Monday, May 12, 2014

It's actually happening!

Has it really only been 4 days since my last post? It feels like a lifetime ago. My world is completely flipped upside down...I feel like a Charles Dickens was the best of times it was the worst of times. It's unreal that this moment we have waited for so long for is here, that in a month I will have a baby in my tummy?! And on the other hand my family is mourning the death of my grandmother. The last two weeks have been truly well...sad? Weird? Scary? I am not sure how to feel. Think I will try to blog daily during this time as it's impossible to go back and recount the events and feelings of the last week. 

Well today is Monday I started stimulation meds on Saturday, so far I am surviving! I can tell you the shots are wayyyy harder emotionally than they are physically! Let me say that I think it's pretty cool that we are going thru IVF I don't have this huge sadness that we can't do it the natural way. Nor do I resent the ladies that have had zero trouble getting pregnante. I am super pumped about any preggers lady I see...the way I see it that's one more baby for me to cuddle with! IVF has never been something that was a burden for us, it's simply the transportation to get us to our baby. And the science nerd in me thinks it's a pretty amazing one! (How many of you get pictures of your babies as eggs?) HOWEVER when your standing there after a party you were forced to leave early from because shot time is between 7-9pm with a needle in your hand getting ready to stab yourself with a needle, you can't help but think. Why us? What on earth are we doing here? How did we get here? And that's exactly what I said to my husband while crying with that needle pointed at my tummy. He simply said you're ok. And I was...and I jabbed that needle in. Guess what? Doesn't really hurt! 

I would like to say by day 3 it's less scary and I just push both shots right in...but it's not. I still shake, it's still scary. I have now given myself 6 shots over the last three days and I shake like a leaf while giving each. 

So far I have no pain in the injection sights and hardly any cramping. I have had a pretty bad headache for two days but it goes away with Tylenol. Starting today my body aches, I feel like I am coming down with the flu almost. I know it's just the side effects of the meds. I am nauseous but hungry. So so,tired but can't sleep. And while I don't feel emotional and have no mood swings...I think I could cry on command?! Like it's just hiding back there ready to come out. 
My husband has stepped it up amazingly he is doing a great job of giving me the extra attention I need and holding my hand during shots. 

I had my day 3 test today and they were happy with my blood results so, I will stay on the same two shots for now. I have another apt on Wednesday to check my blood again and do an ultrasound to check my follicles. Until then....Grow little follies grow! 

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