Today was my day 5 check up. Once starting stimulation meds they check your stats every 3 days. They are checking you estradiol levels in my blood, and then looking at my ovaries to see the growth of the follicles. My blood work came back and my estradiol level was 272 which is right on target for day 5. During my ultrasound my left ovary showed no follicles, which was not surprising as my left ovary is basically useless. It's pretty much just a tiny blob of scar tissue as they took most of it out with my first tumor. Most people have about 5-8 follicles on each ovary at this stage. My right ovary had 20! So no worries on not having enough! At this stage they are looking for the size of your follicles to be between 6-10 mine ranged between size 8-10 so we are doing good! I never thought I could ever be so excited and proud of my ovary! I am the proud owner of 20 size 8-10 follies on my day 5! Here is to hoping that each follie grows a beautiful egg! Grow little follies grow!
Mean time I am getting much better at shots I still shake a little but I am much faster at just getting it over with now. Fun fact in the last five days I have had 13 different needles stuck in me. Another fun follistim vials say they have 300 iu in it. I take 150 iu a day, so naturally the math wiz in me came to the conclusion that I had 2 days worth of shots in each. WRONG apparently the 300iu vial actually has 375 ius in it! So I have thrown away about 800 dollars worth of medicine!! OUCH! We are hoping I won't need them in the end. They are waiting for my 8 day blood work to determine if I need to order more of the meds I threw away! Cross your fingers I won't need them!
Whelp me and my perfect follies are a little worn down so I am off to sleep! Night world!
Keep the faith sister bush! You and your ovaries (and God) got this. So excited for your journey!!!