Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Delayed IVF cycle

Yesterday I went in for what should have been the first day of my IVF cycle. They did a Suppression check and found some concerns. So then they decided to check my estrogen levels. They were looking for levels well under 50. I got the call today mine was 114 :(  that means we cannot move forward with our calendar and our cycle will be delayed. I will be taking birth control for the next week and then re-doing a suppression check and blood work to check my estrogen levels hopefully they will be down by then! I am not sure if this means I will need to wait a month based on my cycle, or if it will just delay my calendar by a week. Either way it's a little disappointing...disappointing that something has gone wrong and that we will have to wait longer to meet our baby/babies! I am ready to have a baby in my arms today! Nothing to do but wait...wonder if there is a natural way to decrease your estrogen level? Off to google that!

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